Advanced Level Psychomotor Examination Coordinators

About the National Registry Advanced Level Psychomotor Examination 
National Registry psychomotor examinations are standardized examinations administered in a variety of locations across the United States. All advanced level psychomotor exams (Advanced EMT and Paramedic) are authorized by the National Registry and monitored by an official National Registry Representative. Candidates must successfully complete a predesignated set of skills for each level as part of the certification process.  

Examination Coordinators

Advanced Level Examination Coordinators are the central point of a psychomotor examination. They are the individual responsible for identifying the location, date, equipment, and personnel necessary to host an advanced level psychomotor examination. Details on the roles and responsibilities of the Examination Coordinator can be found in the manual. 

Becoming an Examination Coordinator

If you wish to become an Examination Coordinator for the purpose of hosting Advanced Level Psychomotor Examinations at your site, please submit a request to and include your first and, last name, National Registry account email and username, and zip code. 
Advanced Level Coordinator Manual
Click here to view the Advanced Level Coordinator Manual.
Advanced Level Coordinator Training Video
Advanced Level Coordinator Resources